Why global investors continue to stay bullish on Indonesia

Why global investors continue to stay bullish on Indonesia

(Left to Right) Eudora Wang, Deputy Editor, Greater China, DealStreetAsia moderates a panel discussion titled "How are global asset allocators and investors reading Indonesia’s potential?" in conversation with Pradita Astarina, Venture Partner, Strategic Year Holdings Limited; Sharon Liang, Principal and Head of Southeast Asia, Siguler Guff; and David Harrity, Head of Corporate & Structured Finance, Commercial Banking, HSBC Asia Pacific at at DealStreetAsia’s Indonesia PE-VC Summit 2025 in Jakarta on January 16.

Global asset allocators and investors remain bullish on Indonesia over the long term, despite a slow 2024 that saw startup funding in the country drop to its lowest in over six years.

Edited by: Padma Priya

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