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The Green Airliner raising $100m fund to promote rotable financing, plans larger second vehicle in 2018

The Green Airliner raising $100m fund to promote rotable financing, plans larger second vehicle in 2018

“Source of smart capital for airlines and MROs” (aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul), states the website of The Green Airliner. The asset management company, that deals with commercial asset redeployment, at anytime in aircraft program cycle – from production to decommissioning – and had expanded to Singapore last year, is raising a $100 million fund, and expects to hit the final close for this vehicle by May 2017, Francois Dubrulle, the firm’s president of the board and director, said in an interaction. This vehicle, called Aerogreen-1, will finance about $450 million of assets, taking into account that debt gearing will be 4.5, he explained.  (The math works as follows – the size of the equity fund shall be 450 / 4.5 = $100m  – and this implies that each transaction will have in average a senior debt tranche of 1 – 1/4.5 = 78%). Dubrulle also said the firm was planning to second vehicle, that would larger than Aerogreen-1, in 2018. Edited Excerpts. 

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