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Women in Startups: The SE Asia Edition

Women in Startups: The SE Asia Edition

22 March, 2021

This report examines the gender diversity — or the lack of it — in the startup funding ecosystem in Southeast Asia.

So far, scant data on funds raised by women founders and co-founders was a sticking point in grasping the gravity of the issue. Hence, we decided it was time to shed some light on this problem. 

We examined the 625 disclosed fundraising deals in eight countries in Southeast Asia in 2020, and then filtered out the deals involving startups with at least one female founder or co-founder. The results were not too encouraging. For every 48 startups founded by a man, there were only 10 startups founded or co-founded by a woman, among the deals.

In the report, we have appended a list of 107 fundraising deals by women-led startups in 2020, as well as highlighted key figures such as the share of overall fundraising that went to women-led startups.

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