E-Commerce and Ride-Hailing: How High Can Take Rates Go?

E-Commerce and Ride-Hailing: How High Can Take Rates Go?

31 May, 2024

E-commerce platforms, ride-hailing firms, and food delivery players in Southeast Asia have been hiking the commissions, transaction fees, and service charges they levy. This increase in ‘take rates’ is inevitable given the post-pandemic urgency to increase real revenues and hit profitability. However, the flip side is that high take rates can drive merchants to the competition.

This report examines how Southeast Asian marketplaces and mobility platforms can find an optimal take rate to balance growth and profitability.

Read the report to gain insights into:

  • The take rates of Tokopedia, Shopee and other marketplaces
  • How take rates in SE Asia compare with other markets
  • TikTok’s influence on take rates in Southeast Asia
  • Thinking beyond commissions to increase take rates

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