Report | China Deal Review Q4 2024 - Leaderboard

VN Dealbook: HAGL calls off share buyback; TH True Milk to invests in Moscow; investors allowed to contribute real estate to investment fund

VN Dealbook: HAGL calls off share buyback; TH True Milk to invests in Moscow; investors allowed to contribute real estate to investment fund

Visual from TH True Milk website

Multi-sector firm Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group, with a focus on real estate, has announced that it will halt its 10 million share buyback plan to stabilise its stock price. Meanwhile, dairy firm TH True Milk has reportedly co-invested in a $2.5 billion project in Moscow. The recent issued decree that gives guidance to implement securities law in Vietnam does not only increase foreign holding in local listed companies, but also allows investors to contribute their real estate properties to real estate funds.

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